
Kyu Grading!!! ⚪🟡🟠🟢🟣🟤⚫🥋

Published Fri 24 May 2024

Hi All!

I hope your are all as excited as I am for the upcoming Kyu Grading.

When is the Grading???

The grading will be held on Wednesday the 12th of June (12/06/2024).


For those who have received grading invitations, please be sure submit Membership Book and Payment to Senpai Peter PRIOR to Grading Night.
Since we do have a few Public Holidays leading up to the grading, this will mean you are to submit your Membership Book and Payment by Wednesday the 5th of June.


  • The night will be dedicated to the Kyu Grading. This means NO REGULAR TRAINING will be held on Grading Night.
  • All who are attending are to Arrive Early to ensure the Grading does NOT run past 8:30pm.
  • The gradings will be split by Grade Cohourt, and will be performed in Grade Order; from 9th Kyu --> 1st Kyu.
    Please be sure to keep yourself warm while waiting for your cohourt to be called up. Staying warm, and practicing, outside of the changerooms is permitted provided it is supervised by an adult.
    Please note, based on timeliness and practicality, some Cohourts may be merged.
    E.g. Those going for 🟠/🟢 may be part of the same grading cohourt due to similar Kihon/Kumite.
  • Any students who were not invited to grade are welcome to attend, but must arrive in their Karate-gi and Obi (uniform and belt) as per usual.
    Please stay warm throughout the night as you may be asked to assist with Kumite.
  • Any persons who attend, and are not in their Karate-gi and Obi are not allowed inside the dojo.
    If you wish to spectate, please do so upstairs.
  • Photography during the grading may only be taken of members from your immediate family, and may NOT be shared on social media.


That's all from me!
But feel free to reach out to any Senior Grades if you have any questions or concerns.
Best of luck to all those who are grading!!! 🥋

